The role of choledochoscopy in transductal laparoscopic common bile duct exploration




сholedocholithiasis, laparoscopic common bile duct exploration, intraoperative ultrasound, choledochoscopy


Laparoscopic common bile duct exploration (LCBDE) performed by choledochoscope through the cystic duct or directly through the incision in the common bile duct (CBD) are well established methods for restoring biliary drainage function in patients with choledocholithiasis. Although it plays a crucial role in the transcystic approach, transductal approach can be achieved differently. However, it has restrictions in availability due to its expensiveness.

Objective — to report efficacy of transductal LCBDE without laparoscopic choledochoscopy.

Materials and methods. This is a prospective study of urgently admitted patients who underwent trans‑ductal LCBDE due to confirmed choledocholithiasis. During laparoscopy, clearance of the CBD was achieved in two ways: by choledochoscopy (group CS+, n = 43) and without it (group CS–, n = 34). The data of patient demographics, comorbidities, operative outcomes, morbidity, mortality and long‑term biliary complications were analysed and compared between the groups.

Results. Out of a total of 154 patients with confirmed choledocholithiasis, the trans‑ductal approach of LCBDE was applied to 77 patients. In 43 patients, clearance was done with choledochoscope (group CS+) and in 34 patients without it (group CS–). Gallstone related complications and comorbidities did not differ between the groups. Surgery was done 4 days after admission in both groups. Median duration of the operation was significantly shorter in the group CS–, 93 vs 120 minutes (p = 0.036), without any difference in conversion and complication rates. Clearance rate was markedly high in both groups.

Conclusions. Transductal laparoscopic common bile duct exploration without choledochoscopy is a time‑saving, safe and effective way for CBD clearance, without additional equipment.


Author Biographies

K. Atstupens, Riga East University Hospital, Сlinic Gailezers

PhD, Docent

H. Plaudis, Riga East University Hospital, Сlinic Gailezers

PhD, Prof.

E. Saukane, Riga East University Hospital, Сlinic Gailezers

Certified surgeon

A. Rudzats, Riga East University Hospital, Сlinic Gailezers

Certified surgeon


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How to Cite

Atstupens K, Plaudis H, Saukane E, Rudzats A. The role of choledochoscopy in transductal laparoscopic common bile duct exploration. ЗХ [Internet]. 2021Dec.23 [cited 2025Mar.7];(1):10—17. Available from:



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