Preclinical evaluation of the individualized approach for chronic non-healing wounds management




сhronic wound, ulcer, treatment, metal nanooxide, polymer nanofilm, antimicrobial activity, biofilms


Chronic non‑healing wounds (CNHW) are very common and often incorrectly treated, the morbidity and associated costs of chronic wounds management highlight the need to implement wound prevention and treatment concepts.

Objective — to evaluate the possibility of different metal nanooxide polymer nanofilms use for CNHW’ local treatment.

Materials and methods. The study design is based on evaluation of various types of dressing materials considering their option for use in CNHW local treatment. Samples of biodegradable polymer films (with an optimal composition of gelatin, polyvinyl alcohol, lactic acid, glycerin and distilled water) saturated with nanoparticles of several oxides with expected antibacterial and pro‑regenerative feature — nZnO, nMgO in concentrations of 1%, 5%, and 10% were used in the study of antimicrobial action and substance release profiling. Quarterly ammonium antiseptic decamethoxin 0.02% was used for control.

Results. Obtained data shows that polymer based biodegradable films incorporating optimal component composition (gelatin, polyvinyl alcohol, lactic acid and glycerin) enriched with 5% and 10% zinc nanooxide have potent antimicrobial activity against both gram‑positive and gram‑negative microorganisms, the most common causative agents of CNHW’s. The ion release capacity analysis showed that the Zinc impregnated wound‑healing biodegradable polymer film gradually releases the active substance in a time dependent manner, and the nano‑sized particles of nanoZinc oxide are released from the polymer composition faster than ordinary zinc oxide.

Conclusions. Complex natural biodegradable polymer based nanofilms are composite materials impregnated with metal nanooxides showing high potential in local treatment of chronic non‑healing wounds. Polymer film with 5% nanoZnO showed up to the 58% higher antimicrobial activity, comparable or exceeding the one of quarterly ammonium compound decamethoxin. Furthermore, nanoZnO impregnated polymer films compared to standard ZnO impregnated polymer films showed up to 63.2% faster substance release profile with rapid and more unified curve.


Author Biographies

V. P. Polovyi, Bukovinian State Medical University, Chernivtsi

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Prof., Head of the General Surgery, Urology and Neurosurgery Department

O. Y. Popadyuk, Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Prof. of the General Surgery Department

R. I. Sydorchuk, Bukovinian State Medical University, Chernivtsi

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Prof. of the General Surgery, Urology and Neurosurgery Department

I. V. Shelefontiuk, Bukovinian State Medical University, Chernivtsi

Fellow-in-training of the General Surgery, Urology and Neurosurgery Department

L. I. Sydorchuk, Bukovinian State Medical University, Chernivtsi

Assoc. Prof. of the Microbiology and Virology Department


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How to Cite

Polovyi V, Popadyuk O, Sydorchuk R, Shelefontiuk I, Sydorchuk L. Preclinical evaluation of the individualized approach for chronic non-healing wounds management. ЗХ [Internet]. 2024Jun.30 [cited 2024Oct.18];(2):54-8. Available from:



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